Home Nonprofits Grants Submit a Grant Report

Purpose of Grant Reports

The Community Foundation has three goals related to grant reports:

  1. We are eager to read the story of the funded grant.
  2. We want both the Community Foundation and the nonprofit organization to learn from the story because we believe that evaluation at its best informs learning and drives improvement.
  3. When possible, we use the information to share the story with our donors and the broader community. Not every grant will be a success, no matter how well it is planned, but failure can produce learning that will lead to better results in the future.

How to Submit a Grant Report

Most grants awarded by the Community Foundation require a completed grant report at the end of the funding period. The due date is stated in the grant award letter. If your organization has more than $500 remaining at the end of the grant period, or needs to request a variance (a change in the purpose or length of grant), please contact the Program Officer to discuss before completing the final report form. Here are the final report requirements by grant type:

Competitive Donor-Advised FundsPlease note the change: Reports for all applications must be submitted in the Word Document here.
Disaster Recovery Fund (COVID/Derecho)Reports submitted by e-mail in Word document here.
Endowment Challenge GrantsNo report required.
GreatAmerica Employee Advised FundReports submitted by email in Word document here.
Linn County GrantsPlease note the change: Reports for all applications must be submitted in the Word Document here.
Organization Support GrantsCapacity-Building Grants: Please note the change: Reports for all applications must be submitted in the Word Document here.

General Operating Support: Reports submitted by email in Word document here.
Other Donor-Advised Project GrantsReports required if stated in the grant award letter. Typically, grant reports are only required for named non-capital programs receiving $5,000 or more in funding. Reports submitted by email in Word document here.
Program Support GrantsPlease note the change: Reports for all applications must be submitted in the Word Document here.
Rapid Response GrantsReports submitted by email in Word document here.
Wapello County FoundationReports submitted by email in Word document here.

Questions? Contact Us.

Photo of Bernadette Gladish

Bernadette Gladish
Grants and Programs Manager


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