Home Donors How to Open a Fund

What’s Your Giving Goal? Our Team Can Help You Achieve It.

We are here to help you: 

  • Clarify Your Charitable Intent  
  • Identify Your Giving Strategy  
  • Establish a Fund  

How to Get Started

Explore Donor-Advised Funds – A Flexible and Efficient Way to Organize Your Giving

With a donor-advised fund, you can make a gift today and decide which organizations to support when you’re ready. In the meantime, your gift can grow, increasing your impact. 

Fund Options

The Community Foundation offers a variety of fund options, each with its own unique characteristics. No matter what your philanthropic goals are, we have the giving vehicle that can help you accomplish them.  

Photo of smiling grandparents with two small children on their laps.

Ready to Open a Fund? We’re Here For You.

Photo of Josie Velles

Josie Velles
Senior Director of Development Services


Photo of Laura Booth

Laura Booth, CFRE
21/64 Certified
Director of Family Philanthropy


Photo of Arthur Kim

Arthur Kim, MA, CAP®
Development Officer


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