Heritage Area Agency on Aging
Heritage Area Agency on Aging provides leadership, advocacy and innovative services that improve the quality of life for older Iowans, individuals with disabilities and family caregivers.
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Heritage Area Agency on Aging (AAA) was established in 1971 under the Older American’s Act and as such, has over 50 year’s experience supporting individuals to age successfully in their home and community. As a designated Area Agency on Aging, Heritage serves older Iowans age 60+, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in seven counties: Linn, Johnson, Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Jones, and Washington. Heritage is one of six Area Agencies on Aging in Iowa.
Heritage has the knowledge and expertise to help clients and their families address questions about aging in our community. Our services are designed to support informed decision making, empower independent living and gain access to long-term services and supports. All services are free of charge.
Services are provided through both Heritage professional staff and sub-contractor agencies in the region. Services provided through Heritage include:
Nutrition and Wellness Services- Congregate Dining, Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Counseling, Nutrition Education, Chronic Disease Self-Management Education, and Evidenced Based Classes
Elder Rights Programming- Consultation, Assessment and Intervention, Education and Prevention
Caregiver Support- Emotional Support, Options Counseling, Information and Assistance, and Educational Sessions
Older Work Employment Program
Options Counseling and Case Management
Information, Referral and Assistance
For more detailed information about Heritage Services, please see our website https://www.heritageaaa.org/our-services or call 319-398-5559.