Community Foundation Adopts Anti-Hate Policy
Over the past few years, philanthropy has seen an increased focus in grants made from donor-advised funds to hate groups. The Council on Foundations defines hate groups as “an organization whose goals and activities are primarily or substantially based on a shared antipathy towards people of one or more different races, religions, ethnicities/ nationalities/ national origins, genders, and/or sexual identities.” The Council on Foundations has taken a public stand against the funding of hate groups and has called on all foundations, grantmaking organizations, and commercially affiliated nonprofits to create policies that prohibit the funding of hate.
While donor-advised funds allow donors to recommend grants to causes they care about, it is ultimately the responsibility of the organization that holds the funds to determine whether the money is going to an appropriate charitable purpose. Upon review of our grantmaking over the last three years, we are glad to report that we found no grants distributed to hate groups. We believe that to align with our vision, mission, and values, it is important for the Community Foundation to be proactive and preventative with respect to this issue.
A work group of staff members at the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation has led the effort to research and develop an anti-hate policy. The Anti-Hate Policy draft was reviewed at all policy committee meetings in the fall of 2023 and approved at the December 2023 Board meeting. Community Foundation staff members will now screen grant recommendations to implement the policy. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we encourage you to visit the Council on Foundations “Values Aligned Philanthropy” page at